Code words: how to use them effectively for child safety

Wasn’t it interesting to learn about the 1:42 probability of your child being kidnapped? These are not good odds in your favor, in other words! There are many individuals who are very complacent about protecting children. “This couldn’t happen to my son” seems to be their mindset. Anyone who has spoken to the parents of missing children would confirm that their thoughts were exactly the same as yours. Also, you can assume that their state of mind has changed drastically.

Is there anything you can do now that will significantly shift the odds in your favor? Today is the day to start using “code words” within your own home.

Here are some of the most fundamental rules of codeword usage. Let’s get this party started.

Where did you hear this one? In addition to his parents, a child should be trained to rely on only a few close relatives or family friends to pick him up after school or other activities outside the home.

What are the circumstances under which you employ the passphrase? It is better to call the “special person” if you cannot pick up your child at the agreed time and there is no way to reach your child. The family code word should be used if you cannot pick up your child and cannot contact the “special person”.

Where are we going to get the family “code word”? Choosing a code word for your family is an important part of teaching your children the importance of secrecy and keeping them safe. I CANNOT SAY HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS! The following is a reiteration: you want your child to be able to remember the code word easily, but you also want it to be difficult for others to guess. Crocodiles, giraffes, baboons and goldfish are examples of creatures that can be used as a starting point. Avoid using names that are common in your neighborhood. For example, never use the name of a pet or beloved animal that your child adores.

Don’t choose a “code word” from your family or household’s frequent items. Let your imagination run wild and have fun with your kids while you do it. And don’t forget to be very detailed. How about a “purple bear” instead of a “bear” as your code word? Keeping kids safe can be a lot of fun if you remember that. Make sure your kids aren’t scared.

How is the codeword system for my child? Children should know how to ask “What is the code word?” if someone other than your parents, spouse or “special person” claims to pick them up on your behalf. If someone tries to pick up your child and doesn’t know the code word, you should encourage them to doubt them.

Do I keep using the same code phrase throughout the game? No way! Every time there is an emergency that requires the use of the code word, the family must choose a new one. Make it clear to the children that the previous one is no longer relevant. The new code word should be reviewed often enough for all family members to remember it.

Let’s end this child safety post with a reminder that code phrases are effective in preventing children from being harmed. As a result of their efforts, many children were spared. There are many families that utilize this basic but incredibly powerful technique. A large number of young people were able to successfully use the codeword tool.

Your children’s safety is at stake, so remember to keep things light!

Until we meet again.

It’s a great day to spend time with your kids!