Medicines for the treatment of acne are prescribed by a doctor

While it is true that, in most cases, acne can be treated safely and effectively with over-the-counter medications, it is always preferable to visit a dermatologist if you have an unusual skin condition. Even if the condition is just acne, your doctor can give you helpful advice on how best to treat it and avoid further complications.

In order to effectively treat severe acne, it is always best to consult a dermatologist. Dermatologists can prescribe medications that are effective in treating the most severe acne breakouts. Moderate and mild acne can usually be treated without needing a doctor’s help, although even with moderate acne, prescription medications can cure it more effectively and quickly than over-the-counter remedies.

To treat acne, medications are administered either orally or topically. When treating an epidemic, the doctor will usually use a mixture of the two types of antibiotics. Antibiotics are widely used to treat acne and are available in both oral and topical formulations. Other topical treatments often include substances like zinc and retinoids, among other things.

Tetracycline is the most widely used antibiotic in the treatment of acne. It has a dual function as it kills acne-causing bacteria as well as helping to reduce inflammation in the skin. Antibiotics are not a quick fix and often need to be taken for many weeks, or even months, before acne clears up. You will also need to continue taking the antibiotic even after the acne is gone in order to prevent the infection from recurring. There are several reports of adverse effects associated with the use of tetracycline, the most prevalent being excessive sensitivity to the sun. Anyone using tetracycline should use extreme caution when exposed to sunlight to avoid severe burns. Furthermore, nausea, itching, and even disorientation have been reported in certain cases.

Women who are taking tetracycline therapy may experience an increase in the number of yeast infections in their vaginal area. Tetracycline is contraindicated in young children and pregnant women because of the possibility of discoloration of developing teeth.

Antibiotic ointments have a lower incidence of reported negative effects than other types of ointments. These ointments will kill the germs, but there is a possibility that the bacteria could become resistant to the antibiotics in certain cases. Combining antibiotic lotion with other medications such as benzoyl peroxide can significantly decrease the likelihood of developing such complications.

A derivative of vitamin A, retinoid creams and lotions are often applied directly to the skin to treat wrinkles and fine lines. Using topical retinoid medications to treat blackheads and whiteheads has proven to be quite helpful. It realizes its beneficial effects by cleaning the pores responsible for acne; the only typical negative effect is dry skin.

If the acne is severe and unresponsive to previous treatments, a prescription oral retinoid may be prescribed to alleviate the condition. This will cause the top layer of the skin to peel off, which will also allow the pores to open up as a result. As a side effect of taking oral retinoids, the body produces less sebum, which helps alleviate acne problems by decreasing the amount of oil in the skin.

The use of oral retinoid medications may be linked to several potentially life-threatening complications. Because oral retinoids have the potential to cause major birth abnormalities, any woman taking them should use two types of birth control to reduce the likelihood of becoming pregnant. People taking these drugs should be constantly observed by the doctor, as they have the potential to induce depression and liver damage.

There are several different medications that have the side effect of helping to treat acne. Birth control pills have been shown to help decrease acne in certain women by altering hormone levels and lowering testosterone levels in men. It is also possible to use zinc for the treatment of acne.