Is it normal to have acne at my age?

When you turn thirty, you try to raise young Johnny or Susie to be role models. It seems like now, in your 40s, you should be scrolling through life, right? So what caused you to suddenly suffer from the double cosmetic effect of acne and wrinkles? According to your insurance company, you should have gotten rid of your acne by the time you were 25.

The number of people over the age of 30 seeking treatment for acne has increased so much that an article published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology proposes raising the age at which acne medication coverage is covered by at least is 40 years old. . .

According to the article’s authors, Dr. Stephen Feldman and Alan Fleischer, who also wrote the report. It’s a hot spot in the beauty industry. Even if your insurance company leaves you alone, you still have a solution to get rid of acne and wrinkles. At first glance, fighting acne and wrinkles may seem like a cosmetic puzzle.

Do you use an acne cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, which speeds up dryness and creates wrinkles? Also, do you use a moisturizer to smooth out wrinkles when you’re battling extra-oily acne or sensitive to a new product you’ve just discovered?
There is a more effective way to fight acne and wrinkles.

1: Identify the source of acne. Second: When you use self-discipline to get rid of acne, you will notice a difference in your skin.

Acne needs an explanation

When treating acne and wrinkles, it’s important to focus on acne first because acne is an immune disorder. If you have an autoimmune disease, it means that your thoughts, feelings and/or environment are negatively affecting your health and you must seek medical attention immediately. Therefore, acne can be a sign that you need to rest more or change your eating habits, reorganize interpersonal conversations, stop seeing that idiot at work. and/or make other constructive changes to your lifestyle.
Acne appearing on the face is the result of many unpleasant actions taking place on your body and in your personal life. Once you get feedback on these breakouts, you can take steps to get rid of them and improve your overall health.
Pimples are often a symptom of many unknown or overlooked health problems. Here’s an example of the questions you should ask yourself when dealing with acne to find out what’s causing it. Which of the following describes you?


It is estimated that the gut contains about 70% of the immune system. Your immune system can be compromised if the area becomes clogged with debris. Therefore, instead of excreting waste through the rectum, the waste products prefer to escape through the skin. Acne is caused by an infection that develops due to the excretion of waste products from the skin.

Are you getting enough nutrients?

The number of cases of pimples has decreased due to the consumption of foods containing zinc, essential fatty acids, vitamin A and many other minerals. All of these essential elements can be found in green leafy vegetables, fruits, and olive oil, among others.

Do you go for a daily walk?

Body movement helps to release tension and allows you to subconsciously reflect on difficulties you may be facing. Exercise also helps keep your muscles and bowels toned, helping you to have regular bowel movements.

How often do you change your pillowcase?

Using a dirty pillowcase can aggravate your acne problem. At night, your skin produces its own oil. These oils have a sticky consistency. Therefore, if your pillowcase is dirty, more waste will accumulate on your face overnight, which can lead to more clogged pores.

Do you notice excessive facial hair as well as irregular periods?

Male hormone problems or other underlying hormonal imbalances can manifest as acne, excessive facial hair, and irregular periods, among others. Your doctor can perform an endocrinology panel to determine your hormone levels and appropriate corrective actions will be taken on your behalf.

Ricardo Azziz, MD, chief of obstetrics and gynecology and director of the Androgen Disorders Center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, estimates that 80% of women with high androgen levels have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a disorder Endocrine disruption also affects Dr. Azziz noting that women with PCOS often experience insulin resistance, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
Once your acne is under control, you can focus on wrinkles.

Another reason why you should treat your acne in the first place is that if you change your lifestyle in a way that keeps you acne-free and do it in a healthy and patient way, you Wrinkles will actually be reduced. . You have. Beauty is a reflection of good health, and health is a reflection of beauty. You can never buy good health in the bank. It is a support system for mind, body, spirit and environment that leads to overall health.

Let’s see what you really need in a “beauty cream”. Face Cream Introduction Each anti-aging or anti-wrinkle skin cream consists of five key ingredients.

1: moisturizing oil or lotion
2: Preservatives keep ice cream from going rancid. 3: The smell or taste of something
4: One-color ball

Active ingredients must be specified. Only one of these ingredients, oil, is absolutely necessary. Simple preservatives are needed to maintain the usefulness of the cream for as long as possible. Since the skin on the face is still alive, there is no need to save it. Given that some people are allergic to perfumes and cosmetic dyes, the body considers these two elements optional in the product. When it comes to cosmetics, the active ingredient is usually the newest beauty product or multivitamin that is said to significantly prolong or reverse age by 5-20 years.

In their study, “No Truth in the Fountain of Youth,” published in the June 2002 issue of Scientific American, researchers S. Jay Olshansky, Leonard Hayflick, and Bruce A. Meat directly expressed his dissatisfaction with the conspiracy of cosmetic companies. road. road. Anyone looking to reduce or eliminate the signs of facial aging should exercise caution as “…anyone trying to sell an anti-aging product today is subject to misinformation or misinformation. misinformation.” I’m sure you’re wondering, “Will this oil make my acne worse?” The answer is no, if you use the right oil? The antibacterial and cleansing properties of certain essential oils such as bergamot, lavender, lemon, neroli, sandalwood, tea tree and ylang-ylang are helpful in treating related skin conditions. to acne.

Other essential oils like geranium, sage, and orange help control sebum production in the skin. These essential oils, combined with carrier oils like jojoba or camellia oil, are great at moisturizing the skin. Nothing you put on your face will have a significant impact on how you look. While creams can be helpful, they are only one element in anti-aging fashion. The path to good health starts from within. If you want to improve your appearance, start with how you think about yourself and what you put in your body. I am talking not only about what you consume, but also about what you think.

“I can’t…”, “I’ve had a hard day”, “I’m tired…”, “I can’t wait…”, “I’m getting old”, “My body not as healthy as before” are examples of thoughts you may have while eating. The options are almost endless. If you want to look young and healthy, you also need to think about being young and healthy. Here are some tips to help you get started with your search:

Start by changing your state of mind. Create your own youth role model, which are the steps you will take to maintain your vitality, and commit to it. Enjoy nutritious foods. According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as taking olive oil daily can help prevent wrinkles. A diet rich in green leafy vegetables, beans, olive oil, almonds, and whole grain breads has been shown to cause less wrinkles in people who avoid fatty foods like avocados, red meat, and desserts.

Wash your face daily with a mild cleanser.

It is recommended to steam your face for 5-15 minutes every day, especially if you have acne. The steam helps remove wax build-up from the skin while stimulating circulation throughout the body. With this combination of benefits, you can unclog your pores and reduce the likelihood of acne breakouts while firming your skin and facial muscles.